Getting the right balance for your child – why early learning matters?

When it comes to our children, no one can deny the importance of school & learning, however, sometimes when it comes to children’s formative years, parents are sometimes reluctant to put their children in early learning centres for one reason or another.

Some want to spend more time with their children, others simply want to use homeschool methods rather than daycare, however, the importance of a ‘collective’ early learning in their formative years has been well documented.

The early childhood years matter – research shows experiences in these years have lifelong consequences for health and wellbeing[1]. During this time, it is important to have a balance between the family time & activities, as well as playing with children their own age, learning to communicate, share and participate actively.

Early learning centres, through the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) have a structured outcome-based approach, not so much on measurable objectives, but on a sense of belonging, being & becoming – for more information click here.

There are many that would consider ‘learning through play’ as unstructured or counterproductive, as they potentially see that children should take a more ‘eastern’ approach to understanding maths, science and English from an earlier stage. However, research shows that “there is no evidence that excessive stimulation and pushing a young child to learn beyond their interest, capabilities and developmental maturity will increase their intellectual capacity”.[2]

How can you get the early learning balance right for you and your child?

As their parents, you understand your child’s needs better than anyone, however, as trained and qualified educators, early learning educators understand how to ensure your child is developing in the way that will best suit their future educational needs, emotional needs and of course social needs as they grow into little people.

If you are still not sure about the benefits of early learning, there is a range of suggestions to dip your toe in the water. Booking in a tour to visit an early learning centre and speaking with the centre director will allow you to review the benefits and pitfalls of an early learning centre for your child.

Many families start off with ‘casual visits’ at ELC’s which some centres offer to familiarise new families and offer services to you and your child from time to time. And finally, you can simply call and speak to an early childhood professionals, they understand that every child, parent & family are different and will take the time to understand your ideals & questions about early learning and your child.

For more information on early childhood learning or you wish to understand more about the services & programs available in our community, please contact the team at Village Education today on 1300 017 005 or visit our website


  • [2] Winter, P. (2010). Engaging families in the early childhood development story. South Australia: Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs.


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